
In anatomy, a joint refers to the union of bones. Cartilages, ligaments, tendons & synovial membranes are in harness with the bones to form a joint. There are mobile and immobile joints, in which mobile joints (synovial) make us to move. Wear and tear is quite common among moving joints; the probability of degenerative changes are high irrespective of the chronological age…

We all know that it is the multitude of health beneficial pharmacological effects, unique pleiotropic mechanism of action and extreme…

A randomised, active controlled study using Akay’s commercially available curcuminoid-fenugreek formulation often referred to as Curcumagalactomannosides (CGM; patented and registered…

CurQfen® —  is a USA patented new generation bioavailable curcumin supplement with free curcuminoids absorption and blood-brain-barrier permeability. CurQfen® the only curcumin supplement has been…